Snowy River Valley Cycle Tour. Days 11-15.
31 Dec – 4 Jan 2024. Orbost to Bombala via back roads.

Cycling Days: 4 Rest Days: 1
Distance: 187kms (total so far: 585km)
Ascent: 3,666m (total so far: 8,600m) Time: 22.5hrs (total so far: 68hrs)

Not much distance over 4 days but plenty of hill climbing! From the Vic coast we headed north through National Parks and State forests back into NSW onto the Monaro plains. We chose routes off the main roads where we could to get off bitumen & avoid traffic. It added km’s and metres ascent but well worth it for the magical forest trails & farm roads we traversed all to ourselves.
One night we camped under a tree with a robin sitting on her nest, it was most enchanting. The next night along a river with platypus (but didnt see one).

The day of climbing to the plateau was almost 1400m of ascent, and yes we had to push our bikes, the trail was very rough in sections. Temps were only mid 20’s but humid & middle of the day generated a very red and sweaty face! The rusks from Brenda were a superb treat at the end of a hard day.
We met 2 other cycle tourers – Charlie from Canberra, recently retired & cycling a similair round trip to us from Thredbo. And Pat from Moruya who we had an instant rapport with and shared a most enjoyable evening at the pub. It led to Rowan drinking more than his customary limit of 1 and 3/4 beer !!

We often get asked – what do we eat when cycle touring? Eating vegetarian (plus fish) can be extra challenging for Margaret as small towns & pubs have limited or no options.
Here’s a run down of a typical day’s menu …. Breakfast = muesli + milk powder + 2 prunes (to keep regular as eating dehydrated foods!)
Morning snacks = crackers with peanut butter, cheese, vegemite or nutella.

Lunch = first day out of town is a salad sandwich with egg or tuna or cheese, with fruit. After that simply crackers with tuna or cheese. And of course we boil up a cup of tea with lunch.
Afternoon/All day snack = trail mix we make up to include jelly tots (SAfrican) … Margaret has been known to pick out the jelly tots or choc bits on a long hill climb!!
Dinner on the trail = cup of soup to start, TSP (textured soy protein) with curry powder and veg stock + dehydrated broccoli + dehydrated mash. Or Backcountry dehydrated meal pouch.
Dinner in campground = use the microwave + bbq plates to make veggie parcels with beans or mushrooms.

And sometimes we go to the local pub to get some beer carbs added in!