Category: Uncategorized


Gear Tips

These are 3 items you may not think of when packing for the Camino, but I found them indispensable. Eye Patches  The type you used


Margaret lagged

As for every Camino you have good days and you have good days with added challenges. Today was such a day. Margaret for some or


Camino Primitivo Flowers

There have been so many beautiful flowers out on the trail, for today’s blog I thought I’d showcase some I photographed over the past 4


Camino Primitivo Day 1

Today we finished our volunteer stint at the Albergue and resumed our Camino. It is somewhat liberating I must say – just throw everything into


Goodbye as Hospitalero’s

Our 2 weeks as Hospitalero’s at the Albergue Villa de Grado are up. Was a great experience, one I would definitely recommend.   Its a


Market Day in Spain

Sunday is market day here.  Don’t plan on going early. In true Spanish fashion the stalls only open at 10am.  But it is worth the

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