Goodbye as Hospitalero’s

Our 2 weeks as Hospitalero’s at the Albergue Villa de Grado are up. Was a great experience, one I would definitely recommend.   Its a wonderful way of meeting and talking to many pilgrims.  More than you would when you are walking.  Pilgrims from so many different countries and so many different walks of life, its a like spinning the globe and landing in a new country every day.

 The 4 Amigos – we were joined by Heidi from Norway and Elidio from Spain.

In true Margaret style, I set them up with a whiteboard roster, created a binder of hospitalero guidelines and info, and submitted a list of suggestions. Ok, I’m a tragic administrator!!   

We had our own Hospitalero room which was comfortable, even though it looked a little like a prison cell.  Over time I’m sure it will obtain more character from all the volunteers passing through. 

The work was not physically or mentally stimulating, and as there were 3 of looking after a 16 bed albergue, we had plenty of spare time.  Next time I would chose a place where we cooked dinner for the pilgrims, so i could keep busy in the kitchen.

Every experience teaches you something. You learn something about yourself and something from others.  Our Norwegian fellow hospitalero was a high paced energetic bossy woman, but well intended. Rowan was quick to point out that I shared many traits with her!  I learnt a lot about myself observing her. More Camino lessons. 

She and I ended up getting on pretty well during our time together. She was pretty sharp and here is my favourite trick I learnt from here – putting a beer cap on the bottom of a soap to stop it from slipping on the vanity basin !! 

Suffice to say the beer was not wasted!