Day 5 of Camino del Norte
Walking the northern coast of Spain
Temperature today was 26 but felt more like 22. Sun is mild compared to Australia, feels good on the skin, especially coming from a Blackheath winter.
Legs felt stiff this morning, the calves in particular felt the 90kms walked so far. No blisters, we are doing well.
The town we aimed to stop at turned out to be a major tourist attraction, and as has been customary with the popular coastal towns, the albergues were full again. In true Camino spirit the hospitalero called ahead to the next town’s albergue and yes there was space for us. Only a 2km walk.
A house converted into an albergue, with a private double bed room for couples! What luxury to not sleep in the top bunk of a dorm room with 8 others! We had a chuckle when two young pilgrims speaking basic english arrived (man from Italy & woman from Hungary) and asked by the host whether they were a couple and the woman smiled, shrugged and waved her hands to say “maybe”.The Camino does lead to friendships and sometimes more too.!!
At the local cafe bar found Fabada on the menu – its a regional dish of pork and beans. Not suprisingly this was a much better version than the one I prepared for our July Camino event. Was great to taste the authentic version.
Yesterday i felt quite homesick and listless. Bordering on boredom. Thinking there are so many projects to get stuck into at Glenella & here I am doing nothing but walking. Days without real purpose. Almost makes me feel anxious to have so little to do!
So I am learning Spanish – using a cool free app called Duolingo as well as a Spanish / English dictionary given to us by Suzanne. It makes menu reading fun now.